Thanks for that!

You are more than welcome. I still remember how nice it was to have a friend of a friend open their home to me for a week when I was in Hong Kong last year.

One thing that I should have thought of and Kate suggested is to have a kind of empeg mini-meet. This would mean that I could meet a whole bunch of empeggers in one easy session at a restaurant or similar venue. Who would want to do something like that?

I do!

I can't tell you were the beer is good, though I can give some good restaurant recommendations (depending on the number of people).

P.S. I hope no-one feels that I've been asking to be hosted,

Nope. I wouldn't mind, anyway -- my family used to host new immigrants, way back when we were still living in Alberta, and met some amazing people that way.

or that I wouldn't repay the cost of such hosting.

Do unto others....