And if it's the EOF marker that's the issue under discussion, it really won't matter. If it's cat'ed with another file the OS will take care of it properly. In the unlikely case that it doesn't happen it's still a text file, so there will just be a weird line in the middle of the file that's easy to find or fix.

I don't understand what the issue is other than the classic DOS vs. UNIX EOL issue, which can easily be handled with any of the solutions above, tools like dos2unix/unix2dos or flip which are likely either installed or easily installed for any Linux distro. (If we're talking about another Unix os like IRIX or HP-UX or something sed might be the easiest choice.)

By hand it's just a matter of adding or removing a "^M" / "LF" / "\r" / "\d013" / "\o015" / "\00d" (pick your method of entering a representation of the character) from the end of each line, easily done with sed on Unix or on Windows with cygwin. Looking for "." is bad because that means "any single character" which will strip off the last character from the line whether it's a ^M or not, so just anchor (with the "$") a ^M at the end of the line.

I know of at least one free win32 text editor (PFE) that can easily save the file in either format via the bottom status bar indicator, and I'd really be surprised if some of the others like TextPad &c. can't do the same as well.
