I ordered
this device from AirCable (the female serial adapter) for $74 shipped with a power supply. I plan on writing code into Empire to listen to the serial port (where the BT adapter will be) and Palantir to send the playlist via serial-BT. After that, I'd like to write a remote display app for the Palm over BT as well as make it into a BT remote. Kendrick actually pointed me at this serial adapter in an earlier post about Palantir. I don't know a ton about BT yet, but from the specs it should be able to use the adapter as a bridge from the Empeg to your phone (Treo 650, right?).
BTW, this is why I wanted to be able to use the serial port and inject commands into /proc/empeg_notify - all in one app.
The mailman should be here with my little gift sometime this week.