I'll second Loren's Quest recommendation. I have a 60CS, and unless you need the independant compass & altimiter (think hiking with no signal due to heavy/wet trees) I think the Quest has the 60CS beat. Slimmer form factor, nice screen, voice prompts, City Select maps included in the price, equal waterproofing to the 60CS. I've not extensively used the Quest personally, but I've fiddled with a friends' unit and was very impressed with the size and build quality. The only place I think it comes up short is that it lacks USB 2.0 (the 60 doesn't have it either, rather only USB 1.1 which is pokey when uploading lots of data). That said the 60CS is no slouch either - I use it daily when driving and also take in on hikes. I think either beats the V hands down.
That said, both the 60CS and Quest are good deal more than the 60 or the V. Between your original two choices I'd take the 60 - faster processor, better upload speed. If you can spring the extra cash, get the Quest - more memory, color screen, voice prompts, City Select included.