Yikes! Have you now or in the recent past used any of those new-fangled homeopathic anti-cold medicines. Zicam or the like?

Hehe, no, I haven't. I actually don't use medicine at all. I'm not a Christian Scientist or anything, I just don't take medicine. If I feel like crap, I just feel like crap. I might take NyQuil to go to sleep easier, but who doesn't jump at the chance to take that sweet moonshine? (I highly recommend Lewis Black's short bit about NyQuil).

Don't get me wrong, if a doctor tells me to take something, I'm probably not going to object to it. I just never feel like taking the self-prescribed stuff, because I never feel like I need it. And I guess in the past I've tried it and none of it ever seems to have an effect on me.

Anyway, sorry about the tangent

Man, I wish I could taste my lunch