Any trouble with the battery getting drained? How are you handling the power issues?

No troubles so far, but I'm probably not handling the power issues in the best way possible.

Basically, the router's powered from the amp line, so whenever the empeg's powering the amp, the router is on. I have a small C program that monitors the accessory power on the empeg. When it goes low, it runs a shell script that figures out if I'm on my home network or not, and if so, runs rsync. After the rsync script is done, the C program makes a kernel call which tells the empeg to wake up in about an hour, then powers everything (empeg, amp, router) down. Process repeats indefinitely, so in theory if I don't drive my car for a few weeks, all the hourly wakeups could cause some battery drain. But, I don't think enough power is drawn to make that a serious issue.

Anyway, it pretty much works. There are ways it could be improved to optimize power usage (the biggest one would be powering the amp and router separately so that the router can be on even when the amp is off, but still controlled by the empeg.) But all in all, I'm happy with it.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff