I don't know if a different online experience will help you.
Here are the main ways I find and listen to new music:
1. I hear a new track on CD101, a local independant radio station
2. I hear a new track on NPR (radio again)
3. My friend plays me a track that I like
4. A friend tells me I should check out a band because "they sound like band X" that I like
5. I hear a track in a store/theater/other public place and I Google the lyrics
6. Free compilation CDs from Spin, other places
See, most of the new music that I find, I hear first, then buy. I think there are a few things you could do to promote your music that do not involve a website, something only the most hardcore indie music listener will browse through. I think your average listener will not find or listen to their music unless they hear it first.
1. Mail demos of your CDs to college radio stations, especially Christian ones (they are most likely to play it).
2. Mail demos of your CDs to Indie/Christian bookstores
3. Try to get featured on a podcast somewhere. With iTunes 4.9 I really think podcasting will explode.
The last is the only tech based one here, but I really doubt setting up yet another music website that more people will just ignore will help you out any.