That said, is it safe to upgrade from 2.00final to 3.00alpha8 or 10? I thought I read that you should install alpha3 or 5 or something first before making the switch but it was so long ago I'm having trouble searching for it..

I'm just nervous about losing my database when I go from 2.00 to 3.00. I don't mind a few bugs because the crossfading makes up for it. But I value the stuff on my hard drives more than the empeg itself.

It's safe to upgrade from any release to 3.00alpha8. (There were some earlier alphas where that wasn't true.)

Upgrading necessarily involves rebuilding the database -- v3 has a Unicode database, whereas v2 didn't -- but remember that the database is basically just a cache, of information that's also kept in the *0 files and *1 files elsewhere on the disk. Those files themselves will be unchanged.
