Grrr. I'm back to the empeg re-building the database every time it boots up...

When I look in the /drive0/var directories, I only find one file, in the /drive0/var directory. Nothing else in any of these (from the faq)...

rm /drive0/var/database
rm /drive0/var/database3
rm /drive0/var/tags
rm /drive0/var/playlists
rm /drive1/var/database
rm /drive1/var/database3
rm /drive1/var/tags
rm /drive1/var/playlists

So does this mean that it's not able to successfully build the databases? Could I be completely out of space?

I also get:

Mounting first music partition
Tried to mount /dev/hda4 as reiserfs but got error 19
Mounting second music partition
Remounting first music partition read-only
Remounting second music partition read-only
Press 'q' now to go into development mode. You Have Zero Seconds To Comply...
Starting player
player.cpp : 385:empeg-car 2.00 2003/04/01.
! tags.cpp : 61:Failed to open tags (0xc0041002).

What's that "tried to mount" message???

- Jon