I personally think that Thomas' fascia looks great.

I don't see any reason why there isn't room for more than one version of the aluminum fascia. Thomas' has the Farnell style buttons, while Brandon and I are comitted to doing the orignal style button to work with the new Greenlights sets. This gives people a choice (or better yet, one or more of each).
We should also understand that price is something that we (people like Thomas and myself) only have limited control over. Metal work like this is not cheap, and we all have bills to pay too. I'm sure the price will come down as Thomas gets things sorted. And as Mark so wisely put it, nobody is (at this time) selling aluminum fascias.
Thomas makes a few good points, and some of the difficulties he has had are also holding up Brandon and I: the handle is a difficult piece. We also have the problem of the original buttons and the desire to have as low a price as humanly possible.
Again, beautiful work, Thomas; it looks fantastic. I'm excited to see how close you are. Let's hope that soon we have the choice of NewFace SE, Wooden, and our verion of the aluminum fascia to choose from. More choices is
always better!