So it's been a little while. How are things going at empeg towers? Y'all doing well?

Hot dang. Us all (what is the first person of "y'all"?) are dandier'n a sucking hog in a root tootin' sink o'grits, although we are experiencing difficulty adapting our vernacular to that of our new paterfamilias.

No, actually it is going OK so far, though we're really still only starting down the journey towards getting properly integrated into Sigmatel. We had the CEO and CFO visit us just today, and they said lots of jolly encouraging things, especially when we gave them the whole dog-and-pony show of Empeg/Rio products over the years. They laughed when Hugo started in about "What often happens when we get bought...", and said "Yeah, we wondered why the DNNA sign on the front of your building was fixed with velcro. Well, let me tell you, you can put up a Sigmatel sign in concrete."
