Now that I think about it, I used to say S-Q-L, but fell into "sequel" when I started referring to "SQL Server" (which many refer to as M-S-S-Q-L). I'm not sure what I use when referring to the language, though. I might still say S-Q-L. I'll have to listen to myself and find out!
So how about id (as in the company that created Doom)? I always pronounced it as a word (as in the whole ego thing), but when I met my brother in law he called it I-D. It struck me at that point that I'd always just assumed the pronunciation, since I only ever read the name.
I remember going to a Delphi meeting and hearing all of these people pronounce the "i" like an "e" when I've always pronounced it like an "i". That's when you start wondering if you were "wrong" all along. After a few years in a vacume with just written words, its difficult to adjust to having something spoken differently than you learned it.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.