Got it swapped for one that works, which is nice, although Microdirect's returns department sucks arse.

After loading a couple of albums on and having a bit of a play, I think I prefer the Karma to the ipod. I've found the Ipod UI a little restrictive when it comes to searching and navigating music. I don't think the capacity will be an issue, all my music is in flac form now so I'll just transcode it to Ogg and stick it on the player. Getting stuff on and off it seems simple too (much easier than the empeg currently) so chopping and changing albums should be nice and simple.

For me as long as it plays music and supports a decent number of formats (which the ipod seems incapable of doing) then that's all. I can't see the point in having a colour screen, especially when it spends most of its time in your pocket and text is black and white.

That said, the Ipod's music quiz game is seriously cool!

Andy M