Okay, to derail the topic early on and get it out of the way (sorry, Tony, especially as I want to know the answer to this one myself) ...

college (I guess you call that University in the US)

They're generally used to mean the same thing in the US, but there's actually a minor difference that I knew existed but didn't know the specifics of until you gave me the impetus to look it up.

A university is a learning institution that comprises a large number of studies. A college is generally one that specializes in one specific study. But both provide degrees that are recognized as equally valid. Also, sometimes divisions of universities are called colleges, so that there might be a mathematics college and an engineering college and an art college within one university. In this case, it's still the university that adminsters the degree, though.

In England it's a little different, though, as I gather, although the general idea remains the same.

I think that's more than enough detour for tonight.

Again, Tony, sorry, and let's get some good answers on this, as I don't really want to go back to engineering college.
Bitt Faulk