Having done this once or twice before (

), let me give a few pointers...
Adding another disk and making a very large player can cause some issues - easily correctable. The most common types of things you can see are:
a) Very slow changes to read/write mode. The fix is to modify the rwm script to include the nocheck option.
b) The number of FIDs gets too high and syncs crash. The fix is to load Mark's
set_empeg_max_fid version 7. This will allow syncs to work properly with insanely large numbers of FIDs.
c) fsck crashes. This is a memory issue. Enable swap before running fsck.
Now, you are mentioning that you get glitching with tracks. This is usually a disk read issue. Check that your jumper on the secondary drive is on tightly, that your IDE cable is in good condition. As a diagnostic step, turn on the hard drive status icon. Also, make sure that your reservecache value is set to a reasonable number (so there is enough memory to hold your database).