or anyone with more money to fight me in court or more muscle and malice to lash back at me.

The problem is, neither of those things is necessary. Her position seems to be enough that she's being held to a different set of standards that the rest of us.

If it had been a teenager living in the building, the police would already have been called. Why the question of calling the police or not is even being discussed is downright pathetic, as is the discussion itself. This person has broken the law and destroyed private property, and the act was caught on video. Not something muscle and malice can do anything to undo. When a law is broken you report it, period.

It doesn't matter who broke the law, or how much power they have.

Now I understand why in America people like the CEO of Enron get off. People take the easy way out and just let them get away with it.

I would have expected better.