Hi people,
I want to buy an Acer 8104WLMi notebook. There’s just one thing : I’m from Belgium, and the cheapest I can find this notebook here is about 2.200-2.300 euro (=$2700- $2850). Now if I just pop over the border to Holland, I can find this notebook there for about 1.600 euro ($2000). This is only one hour driving, so not much of a problem.
Theres only one problem: in Holland, they use QWERTY keyboard layouts, in Belgium AZERTY. I’ve already looked into this and I can buy a replacement azerty keyboard for this notebook for about $40.
You can easily see where this is going : I want to buy this laptop in Holland, and then replace the keyboard myself. I can save about $800 that way, so I would think that’s worth the trouble.
Now, I’m not a complete newbie when it comes to PC’s. I’ve even assembled many, many desktop PC’s. I’m not scared to do this and I can handle a screwdriver. I also know the do’s and don’t when it comes to building desktop PC’s.
BUT… I’ve never opened up a laptop before. So my question is rather obvious : is it difficult to replace this keyboard? Do I have to open up the entire laptop for this? If yes, how do I do this? I have seen manuals on the net on how to remove LCD's from laptops, but not for keyboards. Do sites like that exist? It would be most handy!!
I know this is a long shot, but this board does seem to know everything, so I figuered I'd ask.

I know this should be possible in a fairly simple way. At least simple enough so that it doens't void my warranty.