One thing I'm already doing is having a separate climate-control unit for that room, as that is something we currently wrestle with. Because we don't have a load of money to throw at it, right now I'm just planning on a window-mount unit (secured so that it can't be pushed back through.) Is this a bad idea?

Hmph. It'll probably work better than the "official" server-room climate control system I had at my last job.

We had one of those official server-room climate systems, a wall-mounted unit where the freon tubes went to the heat exchangers on the roof. Worked fine... except....


I spent about four years going back and forth with the building manager, the AC company, and our parent company, trying to get it fixed. Never did. It seemed to be an inherent design flaw in the unit that wasn't correctable. Eventually I wrote myself a Visual basic program that would read the value of a themistor plugged into the correct pins on a joystick port, and would send me an email when the temperature rose above X.

So. My only recommendation to you is: Whatever climate control system you get, MAKE SURE than when you have a power loss, it starts up and begins cooling again as soon as power is restored. Utterly refuse to purchase any cooling system where this is not an absolute guaranteed feature.
Tony Fabris