I'm referring to this one:

Granted that there's still time left, it seems to sell for far less than its worth, as far as I'm concerned. The units are of course getting older but, frankly speaking, the Empeg was so far ahead of its time it's futuristic even now. It's beautifully engineered, works like a charm and, if installed correctly, sounds great and lasts for long. It withstood a quasi-non-stop trip from northern Italy to Dublin without showing ANY sign of fatigue. And withsood beautifully a 40-celsius Italian summer (granted that I never left it into the car ). With an Ethernet to Wireless bridge you can use it as a wireless audio server, go figure . I'd happily scrap my current Kenwood HU in favour of the Empeg if I had (1) a tuner and (2) a more empeg-friendly car (roads are rough up here)
EtN - Stony Stratford, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
30 Gb MKIIa # 040104160