now I am having the same problem with the player indoors.
Okay, until this point I assumed something external to the player. Now that you're saying you get the same behavior in AC and DC mode, we're into a whole different area.
My player started doing this (not saving its playlist state) when its dynamic data partition got corrupted because of disk trouble. But it also started showing hard disk errors on the screen at the same time. Tell me, do you have a recent version of Hijack installed? If not, that might be why you're not seeing the on-screen disk errors. Those would have been the dead giveaway.
Put the latest hijack on the player and tell us if you're getting on-screen disk errors when you try to select a large playlist.
If you are, try doing the full-erase of the dynamic data partition (after writing down your EQ and tuner preset details). That solved the problem for me.