Instructions on making the share public (no security at all). Do the following as root:

Add a user to be your samba guest user and set the directory you created to share as that user's home. Set the user's password (make a note of what this is!) Give that user ownership of the directory you created (/opt/share in this example).

# adduser smbguest -c 'Samba Guest User' -d /opt/share -s /sbin/nologin
# passwd smbguest
# chown -R smbguest.smbguest /opt/share

Add that same user to your samba users. Use the same password entered above.
# smbpasswd smbguest

Edit your smb.conf file (on Red Hat it's located in /etc/samba). Create a share on the directory you created (/opt/share in the example.) This is a public share that does not have any security. Sample smb.conf file:

# Global Parameters
workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = Debian
server string = My Debian Box
guest account = smbguest
security = share

# Shares
path = /opt/share
read only = no
guest ok = yes
guest only = yes
public = yes

If I screwed any of that up, I'm sure someone here will correct me.