Humorless?? Your kidding right?

What was funny? I can remember parts of the series that had me in stitches for extended periods of time. Them staring at the statue of Jayne, the first appearance of Saffron, Inara's female client, etc. The movie got little more than the occasional chuckle and smile from me. I don't recall hearing many laughs from anyone else in the theatre either. The normal banter that was a primary source of humor in the series was largely absent from the film...if they talked at all it was arguing. Halfway through the movie they didn't even really try to be funny anymore. Not that I think that was a bad decision since it would have been pretty out of place considering the massive quantity of death and darkness the film was serving us at that point, but it certainly didn't make for a fun film.

In any event, it looks like I am in the minority here. I am glad you'all liked it, even if I fail to understand how we could all like the original series and have such radically different views of the movie.
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