Three questions:

1) do music videos count? if so, then I'm with Attack, there needs to be one more option
2) do you count video files that have been backed up onto DVD and placed into a CD folder dedicated for such files?
3) getting any funds from the RIAA?

Basically I have as many video files as my storage space will allow, then I have a 200 CD folder full of burned DVDs with nice CW50 labels on them. I recently added to 300GB drives for the express purpose of storing more video onto them. In the future, I plan on backing up every DVD I own onto my computer. With my networked DVD player, I can just browse my movies and video files, and play them complete with surround sound. If I want extras, I'll go get the DVD, but for just the movies, I like having them all in one place and selecting them with a remote.