I have about 75, and 50 of those is Spongebob.

I would probably have more if I cound find a simple device like the empeg to play movies on the telly. Installing a 'puter or something with more than 4 buttons wouldn't fly with the wife and kids.

Avel LinkPlayer

I've been using this since January, and I love it/get frustrated by it. On the whole, it does what it claims. The only problem is that it isn't a first-tier company, so it is only a mid-quality product, and the software especially is a little clunky.

That said, it fits the couple requirements you mentioned (you can pretty much do all the basic functions on the front of the device). Also, you don't even need to be connected to a PC, as you could just just as easily burn video files to a disc and put it in the DVD tray.