It would, however, take care of my 20 or 30 MP3's that got corrupted when I tripped over the power cord while doing a sync (whoops.)

As I understand it, an MP3-checker program wouldn't fix this either. If you were doing a 30-song synch and tripped on the power cord, you'd only mess up the one file that was being transferred at the time. The other files (the ones that made it to the empeg before the power loss) should be fine, and the ones that never made it aren't even there to check.

The worst that should happen in that situation is the empeg's database would get confused and require some re-synchs to rebuild itself. An MP3-checker wouldn't look at the Empeg's databse and couldn't help with that.

Now, a FILE SYSTEM CORRUPTION is a different story, but there are other, more useful utilities to take care of that problem.

I'm starting to think that you're looking in the wrong place to solve your problem. Refresh my memory: What problems are you having on the Empeg, and what steps have been taken so far?

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris