Didn't use MP3trim. I listened to them "side by side" and the source sounds fine.

Not a valid test, as the player software on the PC uses different code than the player on the Empeg. Something like a missing frame header or a partial frame might sound fine on WinAmp but skip on the Empeg. If you have trouble with an MP3 file, always check it for internal errors.

To my knowledge, skipping due to bad RAM would not skip in the same place each time, it would tend to be more sporadic.

True, but it doesn't hurt to run a RAM test just in case.

After re-transferring the source file, it sounds fine on the Empeg.

Now that does sound like a file system corruption.

I'm pretty sure it was a file system corruption, and since I lost power during an FSCK, that's what I was pointing to.

Ah, I hadn't realized your power loss was during an FSCK. I thought it was just during an upload.

If you suspect there's something fishy going on with the hard disk, you might want to consider a full bare-metal format of the disk, followed by a complete re-installation of all software and music. You can do this with Mike's formatting utility (instructions in the Hard Disk Replacement FAQ).

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris