I watched all of the Aperture tour videos as soon as they were posted, and If I was a pro photographer I'd be plopping down the cash for a quad G5 and Aperture right now. As it stands I'm using iView Media Pro to manage my fairly large photo collection, and it works well, but is a bit rough around the edges. I'd love to drop Aperture on my Powerbook and see how it runs, especially since I don't have any RAW images and a majority of my shots are under 3 MP old stuff and scans. I bet it'd work well. The editing features of iView are really lacking, but the management side is decent and flexible. And give me anything but iPhoto... wrech. I had a play with Photo Booth today... what a waste of 15 minutes that was. It's one of those ooh ahh apps that people will use once then forget about it.
For a 1.0 product... Aperture looks really mature. Does anyone know if it was written from scratch or did they buy up someone's starter code?