Personally, I think anybody with a stupid name like "Scooter" deserves to be indicted just on general principle.
Went to a haloween party last night with friends. One of my friends dressed up in a suit and tie and carried around folders with big red "CONFIDENTIAL" letters written on the side. Kept gestuiring at me and telling people "He works for the CIA. Barbara Walters said so."
The majority of people got it. It was that kind of party.
(Off Topic: Best costume was an utterly letter-perfect King Of All Cosmos costume from Katamari Damacy. Including an MP3 player that played the game music out of those things on the sides of his head. Brilliant. Second best costume was the hostess, she was the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I was touched by her noodly appendage. Rapture. Like I said, it was that kind of party.)