Personally, I think anybody with a stupid name like "Scooter" deserves to be indicted just on general principle.
My wife's friend's husband's name is Scooter. I'll tell him what you said... He'll get a laugh out of it. He's a nice guy and I certainly don't think he wants to be indicted just for his nick name.
I'm glad to hear that some folks names Scooter are well-known in Texas. Truth be told, I don't think everbody named Scooter should be indicted. I just get appalled that somebody should drag their friendly, adolescent moniker through Andover and Yale and still keep it around when they become a noxious, evil, never-served-but-willing-to-send-them Vulcan. Think Biff Pinochet and Buffy Marcos.
Don't take offense but the Onion link just seems gross. Maybe I'm too old to appreciate it. More likely just the way I was raised.
No way would I take offense. I think the Onion's Parade parody *is* gross. Juvenile humor. In the context of the Executive branch's stoooopid, bumbling, tight-ass legal action over the presidential seal, though, I think that it is just awesome. Perfect. "Don't Tread on Me!"
Joe Wilson on one of the TV news shows right now. And on CNN tomorrow eve. I heard him speak a few months ago in Seattle. I'd say he is enjoying his celebrity a bit, that he is fundamentally a straight, good, guy. Reading his book, which I did, I found the story of a regular guy who wandered a bit but who found a good career direction for himself. A friend of mine tried to see him last week here in Seattle, but it was sold out. There were a lot of people outside without tickets. My friend said that Wilson pulled up in a car/cab, got out and spent some time chatting and shaking hands with all the folks that couldn't get in. No handlers.
'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.