Anyone play any great new games? I'm willing to try something new. I just picked up Quake 4 and its pretty damn fun. Visually it looks great and the singleplayer is well done. This is my first Quake so I'm new to the madness of its multiplayer, but it's also pretty fun.

I find myself going back to Half Life 2 as well. Steam doesn't seem so bad now and they actually just released a hidden level that uses some new lighting engine or whateva. Looks great. The new Day of Defeat was also just released.

Other than that, most of my time is spent with Battlefield 2. I can't get enough of this game. That and a bit of Guild Wars.

I'm wondering if I should get into the new Civilization. I've never played any of the previous versions but apparantly it's entertaining. Gotta say though, I never really got into the original Sim City if its anything like that. Mostly cause I sucked at it. Stupid citizens.

Anything great I'm missing? I really need to take advantage of this freakin $400 video card I bought before it becomes worthless.