Its awesome. I wish I had the TrackIR. I think you'd really like GTR.

I have the Logitech MOMO Force (the red one) which is considered a great wheel. I don't think its still made, but you can sometimes find factory refurbished ones or get a used on on ebay. You can't go wrong with it.

You can spend lots of money on great race controllers. Sim racing is a whole "thing", and there are people who are into it to a ridiculous degree. Check out the Race Sim Central Forums to learn all you need to know about which wheel to get. I suggest posting there and figuring out how to buy a red Logitech MOMO setup.

This game (and the pedals) are worth it just to thrash that Lotus Elise around Limerock Park. Limerock does not come with the game, but it is one of about a hundred tracks made by the fan community of this game (which is headquartered at the RSC forums).

One great "mod" for the game is the 1972 Ford Escort Cup. These are the original Escort race cars, small, rear-wheel drive, and about 200hp. With 1972 tires and suspensions these cars are a blast to drive. You "drift" them around curves by inducing a 4-wheel slide to get the fastest laps.

Between the Escorts and the Lotus, this game has given me the best entertainment per dollar of any game in a really, really long time. The GT cars are fun, too, but they are so twitchy and powerful it can be frustrating.

Let me know if you get it and I'll get you set up with the right additional files and we can race online together. I'll teach you a few tracks. Following someone to learn the racing line speeds up learning a track by about 1000%.
