I don't agree. Sure it's slower than the web version, but I bet I could still find and call a pizza joint much faster than I could find a phonebook. If on the road, I could find an address and directions much quicker than the time it would take me to boot a laptop and locate a free wireless AP.

Being on the road and needing pizza qualifies as an emergency to me.

No, most phones don't have GPS built in. All phones sold today have E911 capability which is not the same thing.

I would have sworn my phone said GPS, but after looking again I guess it just says "Location Service."

Along the same lines, MS Mappoint is amazing software. It has the phone number of everything you would want to visit everywhere in the US. Hotels, restaurants, everything.

Also, in the car, my copilot hooks my cell phone up to my laptop to connect to the internet while I drive, which is pretty fast. I do agree that GLM would be faster and certainly a lot easier to do while alone.
Mark IIa -- #30103119 -- 70 gig w/ ext3 fs-- Eutronix Light Kit -- Greenlight buttons