And you´re taking on faith that every study and every theory on the big bang and evolution that you´ve read a summary of is accurate.

Actually, you can reproduce a number of the simpler ones yourself with telescopes (for cosmology) or petri dishes and jelly jars (for evolution). Don't knock evolution till you've seen it in action over a few generations of fruit flies.

I´m just curious - would his beliefs have more validity if he had them 2000 years ago when the book wasn´t so old? Does this mean your beliefs won´t be valid 2000 years from now? That last part is probably true. The beliefs of science constantly change and evolve over time, and it´s almost guaranteed that your current scientific beliefs will be disproven by new and improved theories sometime in the near future, but the beliefs of christianity have remained the same for almost 2000 years.

This is a strength of science and a weakness of religion, despite your attempt to cast it in the opposite light. Even twenty, let alone two thousand, years without progress in any other field would be considered laughably pathetic. I doubt you can name a single piece of 2000-year-old technology you use in your daily life (nope, not even the food you eat is grown anything like the same way -- if it were, we'd all starve). But you still cling to the same outmoded fairy tale book like it's the only thing that matters. Perhaps the only reason religious beliefs could survive so long at all is because they're almost completely irrelevant.

Bonus trivia question: how many years after the death of Jesus the Nazarene did the doctrine of his divinity become generally accepted?

Super Double Bonus trivia question: When was the town of Nazareth founded, and by whom?
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