CSS is the encryption method used to protect DVDs and prevent people from copying them.
Unfortunately for the DVD consortium, CSS was cracked and a program called DeCSS was released to enable you to de-scramble the DVD content (in effect enabling people to copy movies off DVDs and distribute them on the net).
The movie industry got all pissed off and started suing web sites posting DeCSS or even links to the source code. A big trial is ongoing involving the 2600 website and the movie industry. One side says it's illegal to post links to the code, the other side says code is like speech and should be free (as in freedom).
Anyway, that's the short version.
I'll second the Tivo plug, it rules and makes you wonder how you ever lived without it before.
reg. #10798 - blue 40gig MK2 #764
reg. #10798 - [blue]blue[/blue] 40gig MK2 #764