Not quite accurate.

I see your points and while I don't completely agree with them I'd like to defer to the information in the link I posted, as well as the MPAA FAQ and the DVD CCA FAQ linked from there - let people make up their own minds.

...which is really what the copyright holders were so pissed about.

What I'm pissed off about is that software DVD players for Linux will suffer because of this. I believe that open source produces better software, we can't enjoy it in this case. The commercial players have been slow in coming and even when they finally appear they'll always lag behind since the Linux share of the desktop market is still tiny.

When I first came to the US after three years in the UK I was very amused by people exclaiming loudly "I'm so pissed!" (meaning angry, irritated in the US and drunk in the UK). That's worn off by now but I can still entertain myself by using British spelling with my US friends and vice-versa. Actually, the best way I've found to annoy both camps at the same time is to claim that rugby and American football are pretty much the same thing. (baseball and cricket works too)

Anyway, back on topic. Yeah, right.
