I completely agree about wanting Tivo to be a software company. I'd pay a subscription to add a Tivo app to any HTPC out there.
As far as the music side goes, I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to killer little boxes doing everything imainable.

I'm also bitter about the music thing because I was one of the dumb people who paid for that option for 8 months before they gave it to everyone for free. Paying to be a beta tester wasn't what I had in mind. The server software is not very good either, it crashes on a good 1/3 of reboots on a machine with decent specs (2.8Ghz P4, 1Gig Ram, intel mobo).
I don't have a lot of experience with other STB's just the few I've had through Comcast, the latest of which is pretty sophisticated - video on demand, reminders and what appears to be the interface for DVR functions, although I don't have a drive in my box. The best function is that it changes channels really fast (my old box was deathly slow).
I just like the idea of Tivo with my regular Comcast box, less wiring & complexity.