I've seen video of this. Well, not HIS house, but this exact scenario.

I guess what bothers me the most is hearing all the people around the country saying "It's their own fault. Why would anyone choose to live below sea level" Ya know what? We aren't the only ones living in a dangerous area. Hawaii is an ACTIVE volcano. LA is just waiting to be sucked underwater if a massive earthquake shears off that portion of California. (There were 18 quakes this past week, btw) Kansas has tornado's, the northeast has blizzards and such. I mean, we ALL live in dangerous places. Just because we had a failure of our levy system doesn't mean we shouldn't live here. I don't recall anyone ever saying that people should stop living in Kansas because those pesky tornados just don't seem to be stopping. People in LA don't think about pulling out every time a quake comes, even though it could be THE ONE.

In fact, we weathered the storm quite nicely, it was the levy breach a day and a half later that caused all this destruction. That was a man-made problem. That can be fixed. Coastal erosion is also a big problem. That can be fixed too. They have been working on a process of planting sea oats to naturally trap the silt leaving the mississippi creating new ground. Yes it takes time, but these storms don't usually happen but once a lifetime, if that. We could give it a few (10) years and see.

We just need to be given the chance to pick ourselves back up and start over. I'm willing to, and I know I'm not alone.