Let me just say that I respect your perseverance. Being from the area and having moved away at the age of 18, I can't say I'd weather this mess as well as you. It's inspiring to see someone willing to deal with all the hardships and start over instead of just cutting and running. Most of my family is doing the same and it's really tough hearing all of the battles they are dealing with, especially with the insurance bastards. I almost got into a fist fight with a close buddy whom I thought was insinuating the "it's their fault" take on things... it was crazy. I've never been in a fight in my life and am just patently non-violent but MAN I got pissed out of nowhere. Turns out it was a misunderstanding... I didn't let him finish his sentence... heheh. But being IN the situation as you are and hearing stuff like that must just make your blood boil.

All the best man, be sure to let us know if you need anything.
|| loren ||