TigerJimmy, I think your problem with the installer might not be something you need to solve yourself. From the top of the news page at my old standby gaming news site
www.bluesnews.com comes this:
EA Downloader Issue [November 22, 2005, 6:34 pm ET]
EA's Battlefield 2 Website (thanks Frans) has news of an issue with some downloads of Battlefield 2: Special Forces and word that they are at work on a fix:
We have discovered (as some of you have) an installation problem with a limited number of EA gamers who downloaded Battlefield 2: Special Forces through EA's Downloader. If your account is affected, you will see the following error when you try to install the expansion pack:
“BF2CDKeyCheck.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”
We apologize for this problem and are working quickly to resolve it. We will contact the gamers affected by this issue via email later today with a solution.
Not certain if this is your issue or not. If your problem is unrelated, sorry for the red herring.