Not sure if is correct, but when I say "valid" I tend to tie that to some amount of logic and tests of internal and external consistency...a statement or belief is consistent *within* itself -- doesn't contradict itself "if the birds that build bluebird nests are bluebirds, then bluebird nests are built by bluebirds"-- and is consistent with external references, like I have lots of video footage of bluebird nest-building and I have never seen a report or some other bird building a bluebird nest.

My argument as to why their god is invalid is pretty simple I guess. I don't think God hates. So, "God hates Fags" is an inaccurate statement. If they got that from their god, than their god is invalid, because again, God doesn't hate anything.

As plain old Jim, I'd say that your premise is flawed. You don't think your God hates, but that sounds like wishfui thinking, just your assumption of how it should be.

Putting on my WBC devil's advocate hat, I guess I would just trot out some biblical references from their FAQ: "God will have mercy on whom He will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth (Romans 9:18)." and point out that God does *indeed* hate. You just don't want to admit it.

I'm sure he feels pretty strongly against a lot of things like republicans and black licorice, but I just don't think he hates anything.

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Does that make sense? Maybe not. Did to me.

Your argument has internal consistency, but the logic is circular.

As WBC DA I could simply offer the counterargument "I know God hates homosexuals. So, 'God doesn't hate homosexuals' is an inaccurate statement. If you got that from your god, than your god is invalid, because again, God hates homosexuals."

To add a questionable dose of external validity to this, I could testify as to how God made himself apparent to me one night, proved beyond any doubt that he *was* God (by some means that I am not at liberty to discuss) and let me know that he absolutely, positively *hates* homosexuals.

When did your God last spend some one-on-one quality time with you?

And if the One, True God doesn't hate, why did he kill another 30 innocents in Baghdad today?

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.