In the main view of Emplode I have the names of Artisits then the sub s under them are the Albums then songs under those, simple layout.
Now here's the thing I've been noticing for awhile but never got around to asking what it was or how to fix. I've been searching the boards for a few hours on the subject but perhaps someone here remembers the same problem.
What happens is a particular Artist will be missing, in the root view but are still there because 'Search' for that missing Artist will reveal it. If I copy it then paste it back into the main view again it stays but later I'll notice another Artist(s) will be gone again. I haven't noticed if it's the same Artist all the time or not, it seems random.
Is there a maximum amount of playlists, I don't have what I would that many playlists, OK there's 115 of them. Is that too many? Should I arrange them diiferently, what am I doing wrong here?
Win XP
Emplode/Mk2 both running 2.0 final w/Hijack & Emphatic
I had v3.0alpha on player for a short while, would this be something that was a bug in it and is still on player?