If it's the latter, you need pliers with 1cm jaws, and you can easily turn the screws by clamping onto what's left of the heads perpendicular to the casing.

And you'll need to invest in the proper size Phillips screw driver! I beat up the screws on the outside of the empeg by using a #2 instead of a #1.

Indeed. Good tools are always the road to a finer fix. Even with the best tools, though, good technique is required; with poor tools, even better technique.
I read once about a 'one-time' method for removing screws with ruined heads. Mix up some 5 minute epoxy and glue your screwdriver into the screw-head. This takes up the missing volume and allows for better transfer of torque.
I'm with the others, though- grab the proud-standing screw head with pliers. I'd even go so far as recommend some Vice-Grip style instead of needle nose, but it's just another idea to try.
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)