Don't run the set_empeg_max_fid thing unless you're sure it's an issue with the number of tracks. You'd need over 13,000 unique tracks before it was an issue. Is that the case?

Please give us more detail, if you can, about the exact error you get. If you get a "<songname> could not be synchronized" error, does it successfully synchronize the rest of the songs? Perhaps there is something wrong with that specific file on your PC's hard disk.

Tony I have 302 songs on my player right now. The exact error I get after trying to synchronize with Emplode is under warnings a big yellow exclamation point followed by Initializing then Fall Out(song name) could not be synchronized, error 0xc00... I cannot view the rest of the error code. The rest of the songs are synchronized.
I have ripped three different CD's using dbpoweramp and EAC and have been unsuccessful so far! I also thought there may be a problem with the files and I have deleted them and re-ripped them only to end up not being able to upload them!