I just couldn't find a way to villainize the doc.

Good points. I didn't intend to villianize the doc. My point is that the doctor exists within a corrupt and immoral system which puts his interests at odds with mine.

Your point about the optometry is a great point. It is illegal for someone to sell me contact lenses after 1 year from my last optometry visit. This is just more insanity. Its also an obvious scam and used to line the pockets of the eyewear companies. It also creates an artifical market so people need to pay close to $100 for a stupid little 15 minute eye test. What choice do we have?

How is it that this doesn't seem to bother people?

Do you guys in this thread who are arguing in support of the system really believe that these laws were passed in our best interest?!?! The patient's interest is simply an excuse. The reality is that special interests lobby for these laws, and since we've already voluntarily given up so much of our freedoms, we accept this nonsense about it being for our own good.

Well, I say, "thank you, but I'll decide what is for my own good."