On what basis do you think this? It seems to me my opinions in this thread have been fairly moderate. I have stated that I think unregulated use of drugs creates a danger to other people and therefore it probably needs some regulation from the government. I am not advocating creating laws so that other people live by my moral viewpoint, but I do want a safer world for my family and myself.

I'm working on a longer reply to your careful and well-reasoned post. I just wanted to point out that I intend none of my arguments as "ad hominem" attack. Really, nothing personal. Also, I agree that your opinions have been really moderate. I also think you are open to reconsidering your views.

I want you to know that I am open to reconsidering my views. I've thought through the issue a great deal, and I have (to me) good reasons for my position. I know that you do, too. First, though, we need to reach the point where we are sure that we understand each other's point of view.

For many years, I was as adamantly anti-captial punishment as I am on this issue (for some pretty good reasons, if I do say so myself). While I still believe those reasons are valid, and I am opposed to capital punishment in almost every situation, I read an opinion by a California judge some years ago that made me see that it is necessary, in some cases. Not to derail this thread, but this judge was himself an anti-capital punishment judge -- who ordered the death penalty. His reasons were pretty compelling...

Anyhow, I've got to run to the bank, so my reply to all of your points is going to have to wait. I wanted to post right away to let you know how much I appreciate the open, honest, and civil exchange! Many people think these conversations are not worthwhile because "nobody is going to change their mind." I don't think that's true. While I don't think you and I are going to totally agree on this topic, the discussion forces both of us to really consider our points of view and think through the problem.
