Interesting, I never noticed a key already typed in. I guess, in theory, if it's a whole new program it's fine of the developer types a key in to start with. On the other hand if it's a hacked version of the Apple program, yeah I'd suspect it's not legal.
I have to admit, it doesn't bother me enough to uninstall it. I hate Quicktime with a passion, in regards to how it installs and puts it's sticky little fingers all over the place. For similar reasons I also use the "real alternative". I found "Foxit" as a pdf alternative and love that as well. I'm hoping someone will have a "macromedia flash" alternative some day, it appears that it's gone the same route - the latest version now puts a little icon in my systray and insists on telling me about updates.
I miss the days when (well at least in my imperfect memory) that programs simply installed and ran as asked, when asked, nothing more, nothing less.