Tom, when you get the new machine post here about its size. I'll have a closer look at the numbers on Apple's page, but from the images it looks bigger (except in thickness). This is now a 15.4" screen where PowerBooks sport a 15.2" variety.
I'm waiting a few months for a new portable so I may end up with a 17" when those come out. But if I went with a 15" I might have to give up the current Booq Vyper shell I have anyway.
In the meantime I'll probably pick up the cheaper iMac to make sure our code comppiles and runs on Intel systems.
Yup, it's bigger. 9mm wider and 2mm deeper. Anyone else also notice the superdrive in this system won't record dual layer nor is it as fast as previous models (4x compared to 8x)? And that the screen is LOWER resolution than the 15.2" model in the last PB revision... Yuck. Saving grace is that it's 16:10 like their desktop displays. I'd still have preferred 1600x1000 though.
Edited by hybrid8 (12/01/2006 20:53)