I fear that a lot of PC users might have a lot of unrealistic expectations out there about the Intel-based Macs. Take the current front page of Penny-Arcade. Those guys are at least reasonably knowledgeable about computers, even if not in-depth, and they're saying things like:
Let a single hardware spec run both operating systems and be done with it.
The notion that they're the same hardware spec is simply absurd. That's like saying that an empeg and an Acorn are the same because they use the same processor.
Apple has succeeded in cracking my resolve.
Why? Because they use a hardware component that you'll never interact with directly? That's kind of like switching to Apple because they started using UHCI USB ports instead of OHCI. Who cares?
Some people are telling me that the new MacBook won’t run certain software. All I really need to know is will the damn thing play WOW?
I don't know. Maybe WOW is available for the Mac. But I have this feeling that they might be expecting it to run Windows apps just because it has an Intel processor.
I have a feeling that there's going to be a big backlash against Apple when these unrealistic expectations come crashing to the ground and people find that they can't actually run Windows software on them.
Edit: Okay, I've just been told that I'm a complete moron and that they can be rebooted to run Windows. Scary.