First off, I want to say I was very aware of all the risks associated with everything I did.

So I got one of Patricks last memory boards, and set about installing it. Got everything good, checked hijack & the boot logs, 64MB. I was happy. During a semi-long drive, I started getting much more segfault/segkill errors than I had ever seen before. So I took the mainboard back out, and double checked everything. I touched some stuff up and put it back in. Life was good again.

Then I started getting even more errors, with the screen doing some really funky things. I had realized I didn't get all the test pads under the board cleaned up properly after I first installed it, and figured that had caused a problem. Tonight when I pulled it apart I found that it had pulled up on the VCC3 side. I decided I needed to try to get under the board cleaned up, or I would be continually plagued by problems. So I began the process of removal. Lets just say all the warnings are there for a reason. I pulled up just about every test pad. But, the VCC3 test pad had already pulled up. This was the problem. So I slowly examined the PCB and found 4 pads I needed to repair. I put some small splice wires on, checked continuity, and powered it up. I got tons of sigkill's when the player was trying to rebuild the database. Plugged in the serial, and realized it was all due to my old reservecache of 180. I plugged in an old drive and it booted right up! Yay! No errors were being reported, so I got lucky that I was able to repair the traces on the bottom of the pcb. I don't have a macro capable camera, but I will borrow one during the day, and try to post some photos of the pcb now.

So now to put my drive back in I need to remove the reservecache setting. So is there any way to get the config.ini off the player, when I cannot get to the developer prompt? I do not have a 2.5" to 3.5" adapter unfortunately. Will I have to rebuild the disk in order to get rid of the reservecache? Any ideas?

#040103696 on a shelf
Mk2a - 90 GB - Red - Illuminated buttons