To get to 32MB? Or 64?

32MB. The people with more seem to have trouble finding uses for it all. And many are having to use ridiculously high ReserveCache settings to disable the player's use of it, as it otherwise screws up playback too much.


I'm raising my hand here... I'm a little annoyed that I was under the assumption that the memory board, while more expensive, was closer to being "official" and was timed with the 3.00 alpha releases that would take advantage of it. My player is now less useful that before the install (some bad install work didn't help). It will only run if I have 2.00 on it. 2.01 and 3.0alphas do what Mark describes. I had faith that a newer alpha would fix it, but that's not likely to ever happen.

If I were to send my player to a qualified person, is it possible to remove the memory board? Maybe that will get rid of my slow responsiveness (memory board's fault) and audio glitches (likely bad install).. Then I could sell the board to someone who runs 3rd party stuff and maybe pay to get the fan controller pulled out (already went up in smoke twice) and the LED kit fixed (one of the LEDs stopped working after like 2 weeks).

Sorry if I seem a little bitter, but it's sinking in that I wasted a ton of cash on my empeg to the point were I get more satisfaction using my 12gb "backup" player. I also totally misunderstood the memory boards thinking they were something that would be the best thing for a player using 3.00 alpha or 2.01.

To stop the bleeding, one of my players needs to be sold now, but I doubt I'll get any money for my main player until I dump more money into fixing it. I'd probably just break even with how expensive empeg repair work is. Well, even minus one player.
Brad B.